The Mark of the Empty Published in The Blue Nib Literary Magazine, December 2018 poetry We are the same species that banned as heresy at the council of Myassia the idea of Zero despite humans flirting with nothingness thousands of years before in a world of constant change violently cataclysmic and delicately paced
We are the same species that struggled with the allure of absolutes and our place in infinity under the limitations of declarations such as god is in everything that is and everything that is not is the devil
We are the same species that sanctioned the illegal and secretive use of zero the same people able to count the totality of what is not there but we cannot manage to respect the shifting cycles of nature
We are the same species capable of debating if numbers exist outside the human mind but we cannot convince the most skeptical or the ignorant to name the solution set to making peace with endless permutations of survival
We are the same species who eons ago carved the ideas of zero in the temple wall of Gwalior and who etched the Bakhshali text on birch bark exploring nothingness blankness non-being
We are the same species who gave birth to Aczel whose odyssey to Find Zero led to an old shed at Angkor Conservation that sheltered a stone stele, K-127, inscribed with “The Chaka era reached year 605 on the fifth day of the waning moon.”
Maybe the oldest invention of place holding ever found
We are the same species to name the void then fill it with Descartes and Hawking but we cannot remember the lessons of learning by comparison by empathy by compassion
We are the same species to know happiness as the deepest thing and sadness as the other deepest thing but we cannot lay hands on the emptiness left by fear and hate
We are the species gazing at the unloveliness and inelegance of ourselves in increasingly larger numbers that are not practically countable not the quality of being 1 or 2 or 3 together not named as distinct
We are in danger of leaving nothing but the Mark of the Empty to demonstrate on this day in the fourth month of the 2018 cycle in the age of digital that we took out an unpayable debt and defaulted because we could not hold and name our place.