Lies Heavy Published in The Blue Nib Literary Magazine poetry Life slips and slinks around death with busy-ness buzzing plugged in feeding parched souls
with rechargeable hope distracting from the inability to ever avoid that which comes.
It explains with powerless memes, photo shopped prettiness, desperate prayer, delusional certainties flirting with absurdity and uselessness that
all things happen for a reason. It generates lists deadlines priorities
degrees awards high powered telescopes gazing on worlds unreachable.
And still life cowers in the shadow of the disguises of Death eternal in its coming endless in name
vulgarly intrusive in its thundering. Life dropped its lies heavy at my feet
where they thudded like a suitcase a stranger packed for me achingly hollow
but weighted down with detritus gathered by someone
who never really knew me at all. Death’s call is roiling and deafening.