A Silence Necessary published The Blue Nib Literary Magazine
Night mumbled them and whispered them softening the ending of the day the steady hum
of the settling of the lulling of the myth of being conclusively protected in the calm consistency of them while you lingered, Silence, for that first encounter, a trespassing when you peeled me back and emptied me smothering my narration so my words no longer
fit my lips and my room a bleak cell of revelation became exposed territory for me at such a young age you came with a great dark clamor and commotion a bare disquietude interrupting me when I was left awake with you
after they put the house to sleep and then themselves before sleep had claimed me you unsealed me
blathering unintelligibly until the morning grayed the din hushing me and defining our speaking terms.
Now you come lacking stealth and with permission a silence necessary unmasking me and prying
the myth of conclusivity from my hands finger by finger.